Online health advice

- 01/19/2025

Salemsa does not guarantee the accuracy of the content, answers, advice and services provided on the site. The system and services provided in it are provided without any guarantee.

Salemsa explicitly disclaims any warranty regarding the content of the site and its services, including the warranty of the medical devices and equipment offered for any purpose, and assumes no responsibility for the ineffectiveness of those products.

Salem Sa does not guarantee that the services provided on the site are free of errors, defects, errors, eavesdropping and eavesdropping.

Salem Sa does not accept the slightest responsibility for the quality of information and services that are provided directly or indirectly (by persons or centers) in all relevant systems and services, and the qualifications of consultants and experts and their service providers, as well as their authentication. .

By using this site and one or more of its services, you accept the terms and conditions of this disclaimer and agree to any use of these systems and the content and responses, advice and services at your own risk. You and Salem Sa are in no way responsible for any damages or losses resulting from your reliance on this information or advice.

Any use, transfer of information and sending questions means that you know and accept that Salem Sa is not responsible for any of the answers and information that you receive or do not receive, and explicitly for the losses, damages, damage, losses and all the consequences of the services that You receive and the information you receive or use and the question you ask or the answer you receive and use or do not receive is completely free from liability.

Your use of this system also means that you acknowledge that the services of this system are in no way a substitute for day-to-day health services and are not a matter of urgency for medical interventions.

The Institute reserves the right to change the terms of membership and the terms of use of the systems and its rules, privileges and credits, as well as the rules, privileges and credits of users without prior notice and in any way it deems necessary and appropriate. In this case, no financial or legal responsibility arising from the change of systems laws or conflict of interests and possible losses of real and legal users arising from it is the responsibility of the institution and managers and stakeholders and the user, whether real or legal, has the right to any legal and financial claims. Deprives itself of the present and the future.

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